The more I look at it the more mistakes I find, it's like treasure hunting...

Behind the scenes comments:

- Building the set, props, and characters took way longer than I expected. I started at 4pm and started animating at 12am. Not to mention I built everything on the table last week.

- I didn't feel like going out to buy more glue that I can't find. Pretty surprised to find out that glue stick + water actually works. (Why did it take so long to dry???)

- Was planning to use the paper towel + paint as base and cover it with clay, but I got lazy it didn't look too good, plus I kind of liked the texture and rough colors better.

- The set actually isn't quite finished, I changed the stairs to a slide cause I don't like animating walks it seemed more fun. It took a long time to adjust the camera, light, and placement to a angle where the whole scene would fit and the borders won't show. Not too satisfied with the perspective but it works (for now), I was hoping for the depth to be deeper bad.

- I was low on white clay, all the art stores around are out of white... ended up buying another claytoon pack. Fail.

- To effectively use what was left of my pink clay I had to stuff the bunny with aluminum foil. Barely managed to cover him, it looked pretty good still but caused quite a few problems during animation. Also he's amputated waist down, sorry.

- First attempt was to use tape as an apron, I taped it wrong making it look really weird, so I used paper towel above it making the tape become his shirt.

- Miniature canvases super cool! It sucks you can't see the texture in the background, I should include a close up shot just for the sake of it. And too bad I didn't make it like real canvases so I could hang them, oh well.

- The paintings not so cool as the canvas but I still got a kick out of it. Red eyes, carrots, and nude bunny. (Aaaaand I wonder where I spent my time....) I purposely placed the nude one where it would show, not too clear tho.

- Since nobody will pick it up, the 3 refers to EB-3 (Kodak Elite Chrome). Awesome film.

- Oh the bunny's name is E.B. (Easter Bunny), not because I was too lazy to think of a name.

- I actually made a trash can out of scrap plastic, but after I went to McDonald's I had to switch to the ketchup cups.

Comments on animation:

- It's a rabbit hole, earthquakes are natural. I shall blame the stereo+bass blasting from downstairs.

- I have fat fingers the set is really small, also not propped too stable (oops).

- The switch to clay egg looks way different............

- Bunny was so hard to animate. I think the foil pretty much killed the character, it was really hard to move even though I did leave some "joints." Near the end you can really see the the clay falling off at the neck part.

- Pretending I'm unaware of the lack of facial expressions.

- He's pinned to the "seat."

- Just realized I didn't photoshop all of my fingers out. I'll get back to it.

- Placements of brushes on the table doesn't match. Couldn't get egg shells to look like the right proportion.

- Arms are short.

- Brush snapped. I did a replacement on a frame cause he couldn't reach the poke. Go frame by frame and you'll know what I'm talking about.

- Eggs (acrylic?) don't stick to double-sided tape

- Cow fit perfectly on bunny's head, I didn't even need any pins. That shot was pretty fun, I was like this is so funny I need to get a picture of this... oh wait I've been taking pics for the past hour and a half.... (well I do have two cameras...)