Assignment: Write a three minute story in first-person present tense.

Inspiration: I wanted to further explore the backstory of a character created in an animation I did last semester
(Animation Methods class - syncing, eyes, and body movement assignment).


I glimpse over my shoulder as he walks in the door with a scent of strawberry on him. The door squeaks behind him. There is a red stain on his collar which he does not seem to notice. Fishy. He sit himself by the table as I resume shredding more cheese with my handy grater.

I add my finishing touches to my savory Rat-toes dish and the time was right to bring it to the table. As I turned around I see he is looking at Lemon with saliva protruding out of his mouth, I hear him say it's so round and juicy, but Lemon is mine and I will not let him eat my Lemon. I flip the plate of Rat-toes on him the moment he clawed for my Lemon. The Rat-toes ran berserk up and down his face trying to run away. It must be the smell of strawberry. He let out a shriek as one stomp in his eye. He always did say this dish has too much of a kick to it. I pull out my spatula from my apron, whacking them one by one. This is more entertaining than battering cockroaches. There's one wiggling in his nose. Whap. Hmm I think his face caved in. I wonder how many lives he has left. Granmama always said not to waste food. I scrape the mashed toes and send it to the pig next door.

Two days past, his body is still here in the kitchen, the maggots are growing slower than I expected. The bakers say that maggots with gallbladders make the best dessert, or was it muffins with peanut butter. I threw some in the blender anyhow. While I picked up my boning knife the door bell rang. Rats! What now. The heavy footsteps and the smell of donuts. Must be the sheriff. The door squeaks and the sheriff walks in with a bored look, I wonder why he is here. He nods his head the moment I offer the blender. The donut might ruin the taste but I let him anyway. He poured all of it in his mouth as I stand nearby. I think he likes it. He says it's quite unique and tastes a bit crunchy. This might work in my cookbook. He pulls out his little black notebook and asks if I know the cause of my husband's death. Why of course! The sheriff seems as excited as I am, seeing his eyes widening. He even threw his donut while listening intently. His face is turning a bit pale, a lot more matching with his clothes. Hearing that my husband was in the blender must have stir his desire to spread the news to how tasty it is. He was eager judging by how fast he ran. I just might win the cooking contest this year.

After thoughts:
I'm not a great writer, writing in first-person present tense made matters worse adding grammatical errors onto poor writing. Seriously, with the same amount of time I spent I could have animated the whole story in Flash.